Monday, November 21, 2011

Why do my dry hands feel like they are burning after I put lotion on them?

I get extremely dry, cracked hands. I work with boxes so they get very dry.. Sometimes when I put lotion on them they feel like they are burning - it really hurts!

Why does this happen? And how can I make this go away?

I know it's not a reaction to the lotion, as I use it about 3 times a day no's just every now and then it gets that feeling..Why do my dry hands feel like they are burning after I put lotion on them?
I get this also, its just because suddenly you're getting the moisture back that your hands so badly craved and when it hurts its really just your hands loving the moisture. And like the others said its like putting alcohol on you're cuts, it hurts but I have been told and I am sure that I'm not the only one, when it hurts it means its healing.Why do my dry hands feel like they are burning after I put lotion on them?
Are you hands cold when you apply lotion?

I think you should see a dermatologist
Try a non scented lotion and probably cause your hands are so dry they burn its the same way with lips!
It could be something in the lotion, as said. I would try a sensitive skin formula, maybe one with aloe in it. I have some skin probelms and lotion often burns my face. If it's that dry but stings, I'll put a light coat of neosporin on it for the night and it'll help- at least it'll be to the point that I can put on lotion the next morning. Of course, drink water, maybe try some vitamin e supplements for healing.

Maybe it's not so much the lotion but something else you use? I do a lot of stuff in the garage, and I'll forget about how much lacquer thinnner I've used and go to wash my hands and end up dry and stinging. So there might be something else you're diong that affects your skin before the lotion goes on, making it more sensitive. Even something like washing a big load of dishes with super hot water could make your skin sensitive to lotion it would normally be ok with.
Even though you can't see them, your hands get micro cracks that open up to the inside of your hands. Because these cracks are so small, they usually heal quickly so you don't get that burning every time. My recommendation, take work off for a while and give your hands a break. Drink LOTS more water. Most health and skin problems are caused by dehydration. Also try Alba brand lotions. Most of their lotions heal your skin and help prevent further damage. If all else fails, try putting on your lotion then wearing some soft gloves to work. If your hands start feeling dry in the gloves, apply more lotion, and put your gloves back on.
the best thing to do is get a glove and vasline why dnt u rub ur hand with vasline and wear glove as u work wiht boxes the stuff in the boxes makes skin dry so get any kind of work glove good luck hope i help
Most lotions have a alchol base in them you need to use a cream of sorts to help your hands to heal or maybe see a dematologists.
Try using something for sensitive skin, with no fragrance or color added. The extra chemicals could be causing a reaction in your skin that needs healing! Try Gold Bond.
alcohol based lotions and the way to get rid of that would be with a vaseline lotion.
you have sensitive skin. jergens works well. dove soap works well. i suggest you see a dermatologist. it sounds like your hands are raw, and you need medication seriously.
There are probably many small cracks in your hands so it's like putting lotion in a cut-- it's gonna hurt. You should try a more intense cream to keep the cracks at bay.
You're using lotion with an alcohol base. Try just using vaseline.
you're putting the lotion into open sours in your hands when they crack. the stinging is the alcohol in it. look at the ingredients in the lotion before using it or buying it.

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