Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best lotion for extremely dry hands?

I work at a grocery store adn ever since Ive started I have extremely dry hands. Theyre grose! All day Im constantly using hand sanatizing wipes that arem aking my hands very sensitive to my usualy Victorias Secret lotion. Any reccomendations or ways to get my soft hands back?Best lotion for extremely dry hands?
Neutrogena ';Norwegian formula'; hand cream to get them back in shape. It's kind of counter-intuitive, but it goes on kinda dry but actually goes in deeper into the skin. It's gel-based. It's very different from the Vaseline-norm, it's not all liquidy - but somehow it actually infuses skins with the right kind of moisture.

Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion once you get them back in shape again.Best lotion for extremely dry hands?
Burts Bees Hand Slave, is the best product ever made!! It makes your hands sooooo soft!!! They come in really small containers, but a little goes a looong way.

The only problem is that it had a really strong smell, but it does smell good. Its just a strong smell.

Much luck with your problem
I have an awesome lotion that i got at a perfume store and it's called ';JP jerome privee spa'; it softens really dry skin
use a lotion containing vasaline its less greasy an works best.
Palmers Cocoa Butter.
St Ives Advanced Body Moisturizer
suave extra healing
Udder cream works great for dry and chapped skin.
Start by exfoliating the dry skin off your hands by mixing sugar with olive oil and using it as a scrub. (You can just take like a teaspoon of sugar and enough oil to make it wet) and rub your hands together for a little while, rinse with warm water, and pat dry.

Personally, I like Curel Ultra Healing lotion. Slather that on your hands generously after using the sugar scrub.

You can buy spa gloves, or you can use regular cotton gloves and put them over your lotioned hands and sleep with them on overnight.

By morning, your hands should be soft - Or at least softer than they were. Continue use of Curel Ultra Healing until they're soft and healed enough to use your regular lotion.

If your hands have cuts and such on them, you're gonna want to let those heal before using any sort of lotion or the sugar scrub. Heal them by using either liquid bandage (stings like a bi*** but works like a charm) or putting Neosporin or other triple antibiotic ointment or regular vaseline to heal the cuts.
I find Impruv cream works really well and wear spa gloves over the moisturizer at night. I bought mine at the drug mart
Cabtree and Evelyn is good, here is the information and review: http://beauty-tricks.com/index.php?optio鈥?/a>

In addition, try the hand mask recipe listed here, it really works!! http://beauty-tricks.com/index.php?optio鈥?/a>
I don't know of you've tried the whipped body cream from the Victoria's Secret Spa Collection, but it is great. Aveeno lotions and Palmers Cocoa Butter are also very moisturizing. A good way to keep you hands soft is to constanly apply lotion to them, especially after washing your hands and using hand sanitizer. Alcohol is drying!. A soap with moisturizer in it can help as well. Lastly you can try wearing gloves to protect your hands and lock in the moisture.

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