Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How can I apply tanning lotion without turning my hands orange?

Latex gloves will make wrinkles on your skin.

The best thing you can do is when applying the suntan lotion, use swift downward strokes. Don't miss any spots or you'll look freaky. I usually put some on, and than wait an hour and wash the rest off. That makes it look very profesional.

After finishing one leg, or an arm; take lemon juice or makeup remover and scrup your hands very well. Than continue with the rest of your body.How can I apply tanning lotion without turning my hands orange?
Well you can wear laytex gloves when you put it on. Or you can just wash your hands with some lemon juice and salt right after applying it.How can I apply tanning lotion without turning my hands orange?
Wash your hands immediately after applying the lotion, or wear some latex gloves they come cheap at dollar stores.
well you could wear rubber gloves or you could wash ur hands immedietly after applying the lotion
Just wash your hands well afterward.
wearing throw-away latex gloves or those yellow rubber dish washing gloves that u can just rinse

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