Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a cure for dry hands? Lotion doesnt seem to be working!?

Dry skin types have to be extremely careful to protect their skin. Yogurt-honey combination helps dry skin. Make an egg pack with a yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of milk powder. This is beneficial to dry skin types. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at there a cure for dry hands? Lotion doesnt seem to be working!?
Bag Balm at night and wear a pair of light cotton gloves or socks.Is there a cure for dry hands? Lotion doesnt seem to be working!?
before going to bath apply milk cream .. after 5 min have bath ,do it daily it shows the different
.This will work - my husband has this problem and this is the only way to bring his hands back. Vaseline, cotton gloves - after you shower or wash your hands in the evening slather them in Vaseline, put on the cotton gloves and go to bed...they will be much better in the morning. Sometimes you have to repeat for a day or two but it truly works
I don't know if you'd call it a ';cure'; but preventative maintenance might be more accurate: lather your hands up really well with lotion or baby oil before you go to bed. Then put on a pair of disposable plastic gloves. In the morning you will see a big difference. Do that as often as you can.
  • facial lotion
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